söndag 25 september 2011

My Baby is Blue

Strange how things sometimes turns into quite the opposite from what you had in mind from the beginning, isn't it? This one didn't turn into the diva with long hair and charcoal eyes I had in mind.Somehow the lines formed an intermediate between a friend and myself.

måndag 19 september 2011

The moon is half but my jar is empty

I'll admit it. I'm a bit of a hamster. But things are pretty and my new tin jar isn't the exception that proves the rule. Such a shame that it's empty. Maybe I'll put pretty buttons in it, or I'll might fill it up with tea for depressing autumn days when you haven't seen the sun for days.
Perhaps my aquarelle waterpaints on tube will live in it, happily ever after. I think that's the best resolution. At least for the moment.

torsdag 15 september 2011

Nothing suits me like a suit, said the giraffe and pursed his lips

Giraffes and owls, they never leave me alone. Think I'd been looking at wallpapers when this fellow popped up in my head several months ago.

Guess I got to practice to finish what I've started. Mostly my canvases ends up in a corner, rolled into a scroll whit a sketch on it. This piece is kind of an exception, only rolled up for three months. Still not finished but I'm working on it. Got some adjustments to do but then it'll be ready (for what I'm not quite sure yet).

tisdag 6 september 2011

crispy black and white

Dreamt in crispy black and white. Woke up with the disappointment resting on my tongue.

lördag 3 september 2011

Fields of gold

Less than a month ago the fields outside my window where flaunting in the sunny wind and I wanted my hair to grow long again so that i could intertwine the barley in a long braid. Last week it was time for the yearly shearing and all that's left is a stubby field where the geese stop over on their journey to warmer climate.

torsdag 1 september 2011

The crane

This is a sketch I made a couple of days ago after a relook in a couple of magazines. Somehow she started to turn into a crane. To me some models look like birds. Wet, cold and hungry birds with their feathers licked against a bony body.